Electronic system
for person-monitoring
Electronic monitoring of accused and convicted persons in Slovak republic will, as an innovative service, allow broader and more flexible usage of alternative punishments. It is, for example, house arrest, compliance with the ban to approach to another person and/or location, compliance with stay during designated hours at workplace or monitoring the consumption of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, etc.
These punishments are significantly more effective in rectification of convicted persons than placing them in a detention facility. The use of electronic services could also cover areas such as domestic violence, petty theft, harassment, improper behaviour in neighbourhood, and so on.
The electronic monitoring system can basically take place in all three stages of criminal justice, which is: before a court decision on punishment, as part of an alternative punishment for imprisonment and after the release as part of probation supervision.
Projects selected services
Interactive probation supervision
Service intended for persons who have been convicted to house arrest, compulsory work, a ban on alcohol consumption, etc. Alternative punishments requiring probation may be carried out with much higher efficiency by using a monitoring device that enables the probation officer to actively and passively inspect the person who has been subjected to alternative punishment.
Issuing an Interactive Warning to Victims of Domestic Violence
Service for victims of domestic violence; the victims will have a portable device that will inform them of the violation of the perimeter by the perpetrators. The victim will be able to communicate with the police over the device and ask for help.
Issuing alerts to sports and other events organisers
A service for organisers of sports events and other of persons who are forbidden to enter sports or other mass events.