

Our company also took part in 2015 on managing implementation of the project of e-vignettes in Slovak republic. We took part during the initiation and development stages of the project till its current state which is, after the Hungarian system, the second system of its kind in Europe. System’s operation and functionality are from the beginning without any problems.

Our company also participated in the implementation of the monitoring system (the obligation to pay electronic road tolls using stationary, portable and mobile cameras).

Basic information

On December 1st, 2015, the Slovak Republic put into operation the electronic e-vignette system. The digitalisation of the system meant a change of the form from physical (paper) stamps, which were replaced by digital ones.

Tolled road network consists of highway and motorways (further referred to as “specified sections of motorways”). The list of specified sections of motorways is being managed by the Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a. s. (National Highway Company). More detailed information about this network could be found in section network of specified sections of motorways.